Creek shack
Waterloo Station
We are delighted you have chosen to spend your precious time with us here at historic Waterloo Station. The Waterloo Creek Shack has all the comforts for a truly unique rural experience.
Deborah & Don Anderson
The Creek Shack is located to the north of the Waterloo Shearing Shed. Turn off the Gwydir Hwy onto the Waterloo Road. After passing the Matheson Uniting Church, travel along the Waterloo Road about ½ klm. Turn into the paddock gateway just BEFORE the bridge crossing (many yellow arrows). The large Waterloo Shearing Shed is in view. Travel past the shearing shed and follow the dirt track along the paddock road. The road is very rough at the moment because of all the rain. There are many roads leading to the Creek Shack, as it has been difficult to get large vehicles in during its restoration, so you will see plenty of tracks once you reach the brow of the hill. If you are unsure of arriving to the correct location, or it is dark, please come to the Waterloo Homestead and we will take you to the location. (The homestead – travel over the bridge on the Waterloo Road, directly after crossing the bridge, turn left into the driveway. The homestead is ahead. Go to the back of the homestead and locate the OFFICE sign)
The Creek Shack is fully unlocked for your use. We have 2 chains across the verandah entrance to stop the sheep and cattle getting onto the verandah when nobody is there. It is fine to leave the chains down if you are in residence, as they will not come near.
Inside the Shack
The interior of the Creek Shack has a rustic charm with the timbers all recycled from the large grain barn relocated to its current position. The large glass windows have been stored for many years in a farm shed and we are pleased to have them positioned to take full advantage of the perfect bushland and creek location. The following are a few helpful hints for your stay at this off grid location.
Solar panels have been located near the building.
Lights – LED lights have been internally and externally fitted to the building. Only use the lighting required and do not leave external lights on unnecessarily all night. There is plenty of power to run lights and other electrical equipment eg fridge, toaster, blender etc
Water Pump – a water pump has been fitted and will use electricity every time it turns on.
Kitchen – Toaster, Nutri bullet blender, Hand blender, Kettle, Fridge. The overuse of appliances will deplete the solar batteries.
In emergency situations, a Honda Generator has been fitted to the solar unit outside. All that is required should you have no electricity, is to start the generator by the pull cord. This will run all appliances and lights.
Instant Gas Hot water is available
Hotplates – 2 hotplates
BBQ – bottled gas
4250 litre water tank – rain water is suitable for drinking.
Shower, bathroom handbasin and kitchen tap all rely on water from the tank
Guests are asked to have short showers and use as little water as possible.
Slow Combustion Wood Heater requires careful operation. The heater is very efficient but can be a little tricky to load up with wood. In winter, the fireplace is set for lighting with kindling and firelighters in the wood box. The flue that controls the flame is located above the door of the heater. When a good fire has been set, the flue can be turned down to allow more heat into the room and slower wood burning. There is a black glove for use to open and shut the door safely. A fire blanket and extinguisher are located behind the front door.
Wood is located in the large wood box on the verandah.
Rinnai Gas Heating
The shack has been fitted with a flued gas heating system. This runs from bottled gas on the exterior of the building. Please do not leave the gas heating on unnecessarily. Please turn the heater off if not required. If the gas runs out, it is unlikely that we will be able to replace the gas bottle if it is not within normal working hours.
For those who enjoy a little competition, we have ball games at the Homestead grounds for your enjoyment. Please ask for the equipment
Tennis: the tennis court is located in the homestead garden grounds (holiday time - balls & racquets are located on the table inside the tennis court)
Croquet: is played on the northern side homestead lawn.
Provisions & Supplies
Tea, coffee, (plunger or instant) sugar, salt & pepper, sauces are placed in the fridge or kitchen bench. Dishwashing detergent, firelighters and other essentials are stocked. Let us know if you need anything, as I’m sure we can help from the homestead supplies.
There is a laundry located in the old shearers shower block at the rear of the Shearer’s Lodge. A washer and dryer are available. Please use the laundry if required.
Creeks & Dams
There are plenty of magical spots along the creek to explore. Below the Creek Shack is waterhole forming part of the creek. Down from the picnic area is a great spot for fishing for trout or Murray Cod. Worms or lures are recommended. The very deep waterhole further down the creek (access from the main road) is where the platypus live. Spot the turtles, ducks, water rates, golden carp in the beautiful clear waters. The creek turns into a river when there has been plenty of rain. Please take care as it is very dangerous when in flood. It is a fabulous spot for kids to swim, the water is always very cool.
Exploring the property
When opening gates, please leave them how you found them. We have sheep on 1000 acres of land where the Shearer’s Lodge and Shearing Shed are located. Across from the Church on the other side of the road, is 3,000 acres for the cattle and cropping. You are most welcome to explore the valley and ranges. The property runs to the top of the Waterloo Range and down the valley. The Manager of the property lives in the house across the creek from the Shearer’s Lodge. He is available at any time to help or come and see us at the rear of the main Homestead where the OFFICE sign is located.
Check In/Check Out
Check in is after 2pm and no later than 5pm
Check out is at 11am
BE AWARE - We do not return anything left behind.